EZ Safelist PHP Script - Basic Version


Finally A PHP Script That Will Let You RUN An EZ Safelist Business!


User Features

*Members Earn 20% Commissions From Affiliate Sales!*

•Instant account creation/validation.

•Free, Pro, Premium and Executive membership options.

•Affiliate Program to all Paid members.

•Affiliate Area to all Paid members to view Banners and Referral Stats.

•Link Tracking to all Paid members.

•Saved messages to all members.

•Messages Automatically resent at your next send time if you saved your message.

•Member gets a notice when a paid member signs up through their affiliate URL.

•Member - single or digest settings.

•Member - vacation/away settings.

•Member can send in Text or Html format.

•Contact List owner from the member area.

•Be able to see Actual member count.

•Cancel Membership Account option.

•Automated username/password retrieval.

•User's Guide in member area.

•Be able to know if user can send.

•Users see the Total amount of members in their member area.

Admin Area Features

•Complete administration control panel.

•Header and Footer customization from inside the admin area.

•Be able to send to either the Member's Contact email or the Subscription email - choose also to send to all members, Free, Paid members or send a test message to Admin's email address from inside the admin area.

•List all members for Editing or Deleting if necessary from inside the admin area.

•Affiliates Payment area for downloading list for payment processing from inside the admin area.

•Email Statistics - be able to view how many messages are sent daily, weekly or monthly from inside the admin area.

•Manage Inactive Members from inside the admin area.

•Manage Unverified Members from inside the admin area.

•Manage Email bounces from inside the admin area.

•Complete data backup and restoration from inside the admin area.

•View Event Log from inside the admin area.

•Manage all Safelist Settings from inside the admin area.

•Be able to edit all HTML and TXT pages from inside the admin area.

•Searchable Member Database from inside the admin area.

•Admin's Guide is available from inside the admin area.

•Adsense code now added to the Footer. Simply input your Adsense ID. - NEW

Script Capabilities

•This script now offers 5 types of payment options:

* PayPal
* 2CheckOut
* ClickBank
* Payza
* e-gold

•You choose in the Admin area which payment options to offer new users.

•Characters allowed by users are set in the admin area.

•The script can be set to offer users monthly, yearly or lifetime subscriptions. Once a user's subscription has expired they will be notified automatically by script to extend their membership by paying with the payment options available. If they Do NOT pay to extend membership then the system will downgrade them to a Free membership.

•Integrated Unlimited levels Affiliate Program.

•If user does NOT validate account within 3 days of signup, system will delete them.

•If user does NOT login and use the list for a certain amount of time, the system will notify them and will wait 7 days before deleting account if they do not use the list.

•Set to have Automatic Bounce management feature (depends on your server) or have bounces sent to the admin's email address (manual bounce handling)

•System will send Bounce Notification note to each Bounced Email (only when Automatic Bounce management is active)

•List Owner gets a notice when someone signs up for the safelist either Free or Paid.

•List Owner gets a notice when someone sells a membership.

•Block unwanted email addresses - add email addresses in the admin area - blacklist.txt.

•Have the Actual Member Count on the Main page.

•An Installation Guide is available.

•MySQL Database Driven (fast accessing members info).
What is MySQL?
 MySQL is a relational database management system. A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom. This adds speed and flexibility. In other words the members info will be stored in separate records instead of putting it all together separated with commas in a .txt file (this format is much slower).

Server Hosting System Requirements:

•PHP v4.1 to 5.5 on Unix compatible system. (Higher PHP versions may not work)
•MySQL DB version 3.22 or newer.
•PHP PEAR DB and Template modules, normally present, if not, can be put in script directory.
•'curl' PHP module is required for PayPal payment processing.

•To handle BOUNCES or RETURNED Emails automatically you need:

 -a) ability to set smtp envelope return address with -f switch - this works with most sendmail compatible mailers by default (except Exim)
-b) ability to use "catch-all" email, for example bounces+ANYTHING@yourdomain.com for sendmail & postfix or bounces-ANYTHING@yourdomain.com for qmail.
-c) ability to pass incoming email to command pipe, for example to use |/home/username/public_html/proscript/bounces.pl as mail redirection destination.


Script includes one (1) domain name license

PRICE: $80.00

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